Just popping in for a moment to brag about the genius that is my daughter. We have been doing baby signing with Miss S since she was very small, and she's shown a few signs...until recently when it seems that her "vocabulary" has exploded! She basically signs to the entire first DVD....AND, when she signs "cracker", she SAYS "gacker". It is UNBELIEVABLE! Her "mama" and "dada"s have also finally started to be geared towards her parents instead of whatever she happens to be looking at. People have also started to recognize that she is, in fact, signing. Plus, she LOVES the Baby Signing Time DVDs! It is the ONLY thing she shows any interest in, and luckily it autostarts and plays on a loop. I can get her food ready while she happily sits and watches.
The downside to her loving Baby Signing Time is that she can recognize the music from as little as 2 notes. I mistakingly put the TV on, thinking The Office was in the DVD player...it wasn't. So, instead of going down for a nap, Miss S bounced up and started signing "Eat". Really, all she heard was the first three "doots' and Hopkins laughing (boy, that must sound bizarre to anyone who has not watched Baby Signing Time).
Isn't it incredible how much little babies absorb? Miss S is the cutest little sponge I have ever seen. Every day she amazes me with the new skills she masters, or attempts to master. Now, if only I could have the stupid camcorder ready to go when she is in the mood to show off...One day I will capture these moments on film and figure out how to get them online...or at least onto the computer.
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