Friday, 5 August 2011


I look at my soon to be toddler and understand why so many women decide to have "2 under 2". I loved being pregnant. Not every moment of it, like when my morning oatmeal, the ONLY thing I like(d) for breakfast, made me vomit. I bawled my eyes out proclaiming, quite dramatically, "Now there's NOTHING for me to eat for breakfast!!!"
Not to worry, soft pretzels and yogurt quickly became a breakfast staple for the first trimester.
I also did not like the last 3 weeks of pregnancy. I was 9 days late. To anyone who has ever been pregnant, particularly anyone who has ever gone past their due date, that is a LIFETIME. I literally felt like "Eggo" was going to reside in my uterus and make me a hot, swollen, emotional mess for THE REST OF MY LIFE. Luckily, when Miss S decided to make an appearance, it was RIGHT NOW.
Labor for me was...unexpected. I was expecting to have a massive GUSH when my water broke, not a dribble, which made me unsure of whether it was amniotic fluid or urine...not to worry, it was the former.
I was not expecting to go from no contractions to INTENSE ones. lasting nearly a minute and happening every 7-10 minutes...then lasting 60-90 seconds and happening every 5-7, at which point I DEMANDED to go to the hospital because of an intense urge to push. Good thing I listened to my body and not the midwife, my mother and my husband, because I arrived at the hospital at 2am on July 13, a mere 8 1/2 hours after my water broke, and 6 hours after the midwife simply confirming water water had, indeed, broke, but was not concerned about baby coming just yet, fully dilated and effaced and ready to have a baby. 
It was the most amazing experience. Giving birth is unlike anything else. Yes, it hurts, but it's a pain that results in a beautiful little life that you love unconditionally. 
FYI ladies, just when you think that you cannot possibly do it any longer, your baby will come. I remember thinking, "That's it. I can't do this anymore, this baby is never coming out," and had another contraction and POOF (literally, head an shoulders came out just like that), I was reaching down to pull my baby onto my chest.
Here's a fun tidbit though, I didn't know if I had a boy or girl for a few minutes. No, there was no confusion, my husband just didn't tell me! He had to double check when he announced it was a girl, we were all sure it was boy. Even strangers on the street were stopping me to tell me that I was DEFINITELY having a boy. Even those online gender predictors said boy more often (though I think it was like 45/55). HA. Shows what they know.
I've gotten off topic though. My apologies. To get back to my original thought, I look at Miss S now and can totally relate to wanting another baby. I loved being pregnant, and newborns are SO CUTE. Is there anything sweeter than a newborn? Then I look at my house, which we JUST moved back into after 10 months of renovations...Nope, not ready to redo another room for a nursery. I look at my bank account, which hasn't had a paycheck since June 2010...Nope, not quite ready to take another year off. I look at my 1 year old, who is starting to become a little girl...Nope, not ready yet to take anymore time away from enjoying watching her grow up. 
Not to worry, I have enough new babies around to get my fix, and to remind me of how little sleep I got some nights before succumbing to co-sleeping and of those days when all she wanted to do was nurse, or be held, or be rocked... For now I'll chalk this mild case of Baby Fever up to the fact that my cousin, as well as several good friends, have recently added to their families, add in the fact that my sister is expecting in October and WHAM. My silly uterus thinks it should join in on the fun. Easy there killer, if we have another baby now, it will be one more year away from Wonderland, drive-in movies and all that other fun family stuff that our little one will FINALLY be ready for next year.

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