We just celebrated M's first Canada Day with a friend filled weekend. He was exhausted, but relatively well behaved, and Miss S was absolutely pooped by last night, but had so much fun, it was 100% worth it.
My Dear Son,
You are three and a half months old and are quite possibly the sweetest, funniest baby ever. You will gladly go to anyone to be snuggled. You coo and giggle and dole out the biggest smiles. You love raspberries on your tummy and splashing in the bath. We are working on getting you to sleep on your own, because right now (after weeks of blissful, independent sleep I might add), you will only sleep if snuggled in close, which makes you both endearing and exhausting.
Your sisters love you, Miss S especially has a hard time leaving you alone. I can't wait until you are big enough to get into her stuff. Your big brown eyes are going to be your saving grace big boy, because I have a feeling they are going to get you out of (and perhaps into) a lot of trouble.
My Dear Baby (Big) Girl,
You are almost three years old. How did that happen? How has three years passed? You are still my baby girl, even if you do insist that you "aren't my baby, you're my Scarlie!"
You love all things doctor. I foresee medical school in your future, and I truly believe that midwifery or pediatrics is in your future.
You love your brother fiercely. It is the sweetest thing. And your big sister is your shinning star, you are a very loving and affectionate little girl.
You are also too smart for your own good (or for my own good). You amaze me everyday with the new things you learn and share. You know your numbers and letter. You know your colours and shapes (even obscure ones like octagons). You count and sing and sign and I cannot wait for you to go to nursery school and learn even more.
You are my mini-me, my little doll. It is such a joy to watch you grow into the beautiful, intelligent and sweet girl that you are.
Alright my children, nap time is almost over and it's time for a walk. Until next time my loves.